Sunday, 13 January 2013

More raspberries

Continued building the raspberry supports and the paths this week - nearly done, just one path to do now.

Thanks goodness for the free wood chip - this little lot would have cost a fortune.

Getting there with the raspberries
Another new path

I've also cut down the autumn fruiting raspberries and given them a good mulch of donkey manure to give them a head start this year.

I also managed to get a branch off one of the overhanging trees - nearly gave myself concussion into the bargain.

To do:
Finish the final path 
Weed the spring bulb section
Build a bench

Saturday, 5 January 2013


I started on building better supports for the raspberries today - in the past they've leaned over the paths and over each other generally making it really hard to pick.

Well no more as I have now come up with a cunning plan which should keep the canes in order.


The flood has receded from the majority of the plots which is good news for the owners but the soil looks pretty saturated.

Signs of spring are definately on the way as the rhubarb has just started peeking through .... not long till the first rhubarb crumble.