Sunday, 23 December 2012


See I knew there was a reason why I picked the allotment under the trees - I may get the shade but I don't get this!

The poor owner of no. 28

The rain finally stopped today so I took the opportunity to finished edging some of the paths and use some of the freebie donkey manure to mulch the raspberries, blackcurrants and the beds where I will be growing this years broad beans. Lets hope donkeys and horses don't vary too much otherwise I may be getting suspect crops.

 The order to HSL has been posted today so next year I will be trying the following
Broad Bean - Cretian
Dwarf French Bean - Scotts
Runner Bean - Brooker Bean
Melon - Green Nutmeg
Lettuce - Stoke
Climbing Bean - San Antonio

For more info about the Heritage Seed Library - see

Things still to do ( it never ends ) -
Finish off paths, build better supports for the raspberries started

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Who pinched all the poo?

My goodness, the communal crap pile has been pillaged, it's a shadow of its former glory! As if by magic though a pile of wood chip the size of the EU butter mountain has appeared so I raided that as well. You have to be quick round here I can tell you.

Asparagus bed after mulching

A flying visit to area41 this weekend due to the freezing weather conditions. I cut down and mulched the asparagus to keep the weeds down and to boost next years' crop. There is still a lot to do and lots of manure still to shovel!

To do:
Prune black currants and mulch - mulched but not pruned!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Others people's squash.....

Piggle checking out this year's harvest

So far so bad this weekend as I have devoted my day to wrapping the mammoth musa in the garden. We did pull a few minute bananas off it,does that count as an edible? I cheated on my own squash by indulging in two from Kenyon Hall, one is a Crown Prince the other looks like one of Ghosts from Pacman. On the upside the communal c&&p pile has returned so there will be regular raids on that from now on. In fact I have already had 5 barrows of it so far so it's an IOU for the committee.

To do list:
Mulch the raspberries - done 23rd Dec
Raid the pile - raided 1st Dec
Cut down and mulch Asparagus -done 1st Dec
Somewhere to sit and contemplate - started
Order the tatties - done
Edging - ongoing but nearly done

Getting through this slowly - rain allowing!